Saturday, 10 October 2015

Fair Isle - part seven

This was to be my last full day on Fair Isle. I got up early to do the trap rounds and was greeted by this sublime sunrise.

Sunrise over Buness, Fair Isle
One YBW and one Redstart in the gully was the best we had. Back at the Obs a Collared Dove on the roof was new in.
After breakfast I birded south once again. At Chalet a Whinchat posed briefly on the Angelica.

Whinchat, Chalet, Fair Isle

And a Common Rosefinch dropped in briefly too.

Common Rosefinch, Chalet, Fair Isle

Chalet, Fair Isle

Just before lunch I came across this Lesser Whitethroat in the garden at the shop. I came back later that afternoon to get some shots of it - the light wasn't great but the bird was reasonably confiding.

Lesser Whitethroat, shop garden, Fair Isle
At this stage there were very few new birds if any coming through. YBWs had decreased a little, the Pallid Harrier had gone although a Hen Harrier was still knocking about. The BRW was still there but had moved to Lower Leogh. On one hand I was sorry to be leaving Fair Isle but didn't feel I was going to miss out too much and I was rather looking forward to spending a bit more time on Mainland. I got to bed early that night because the Good Shepperd was sailing at 6am and it has a bit of a notorious reputation for being less than comfortable in high seas. Whats more it would be sailing to Lerwick not Grutness which meant a 4 hour crossing rather than 2 hours.

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