Sunday 13 October 2024

Armenia 2023 - Part 7

It was at this point that we made a slight change to our plans. We had covered most if not all of the species we wanted to see around Mt. Agarats and instead decided to re-trace our steps back to the Armash  / Vedi area where we still needed Grey-necked Bunting and Upcher's Warbler. Nick booked us into a small family run B&B nearby to Vedi. We overnighted here and enjoyed some fine homecooked food that evening. They even had a pet Dobermann although I didn't give him too many cuddles!


Look at the size of those paws!!!

The following day was to be our last full day of birding, so armed with some better 'gen' we headed back to Vedi once more and this time managed both Grey-necked Bunting and Upcher's Warbler. I didn't get great pictures of either but at least we weren't leaving Armenia without them.

Upcher's Warbler

Grey-necked Bunting

 ebird checklist here.

Armash wasn't too far away and we still needed to catch up with Paddyfield Warbler. Once again we had some helpful 'gen' and despite breezy conditions we did at last manage to see that species. Views were brief and Nick did better photographically than I did but once again we weren't leaving Armenia without seeing the species. I would need to wait for one more year before again catching up with this species in Kazakhstan and where views would be much more agreeable - more on that later.

Our ebird checklist from Armash is here.

And that was it for birding. We departed and negotiated the heavy traffic coming out of Armash.

Traffic chaos outside Armash fishponds

We spent our last night back where we started at the Kesabella Guesthouse in Yerevan. A sunny morning meant we had splendid views of Mt. Ararats in Turkey.


Mount Ararats

Our rental car was collected and we were bussed back to Yerevan airport and back to home to sunny England.

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