Wednesday 22 August 2012

A bit more Pie

I headed back to Knockadoon Head yesterday evening to see if any early migrants were passing through and to check if the Pied Flys had lingered. At the usual spots all was quiet with not even a Phyllosc stirring. I headed back to Hurley's Lane and even there it seemed that last Sunday's Pied Flys had finally moved on. I sat in the car for about 10 minutes watching the small sycamores but it just seemed dead. I was thinking of moving on when a small bird flew out of the garden and into the sycamores. A minute later I could make out a female type Pied Flycatcher sitting still on a branch. On Sunday I had gotten out of the car and set my camera and tripod up in full view. Then the bird was quite wary and never allowed close approach. Rather than make the same mistake twice I stayed in the car this time. I started up the engine and manoeurved carefully into position. Picking the best location is tricky, you want to place yourself between the bird and the sun and make sure you're not blocking the road for anyone else. Once you've got it right, shut off the engine and sit still.
This time the bird was much more settled, feeding regularily in one of the small sycamores and even favouring one branch in particular. The only challenge was the light, it varied all the time. Anytime I had an unrestricted view the clouds would pass over and the light would go. When it was sunny the bird would disappear into the shade......bugger!
But I got a few decent shots and if anything it whets my appetite for the coming months when all the good stuff starts passing through.........can't wait!

Female type Pied Flycatcher, Hurley's Lane, Knockadoon Head, Cork - 21st August 2012

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