We reached the gates of Pivot Fields (a large agricultural complex) outside Kuwait City at 7.30am. Unfortunately 'The Major' wasn't present at the gate to let us in so we needed to drive around the back of the complex and peer over the fence (Footnote - we never did get to see 'The Major').
Anyway, we took breakfast as we scoped the agricultural fields watching a small group of Yellow Wagtails which had both
Beema and
Lutea subspecies mixed in - both new for me.
Later on within the complex we found a spot to look for raptors, we had male and female Pallid Harrier, a female Montagu's Harrier and a Steppe Buzzard there but it was otherwise it was quiet on the raptor front.
Montagu's Harrier |
Our last stop in Pivot Fields was alongside some pools and a scrape where we had several Spotted Crakes (all peeping away), Little Bittern, Great Reed Warbler and Moustached Warbler.
Little Bittern, Pivot Fields, Kuwait |
On the scrape we had Collared Pratincole, Little and Temminck's Stints, Ringed Plover, Curlew and Wood Sandpiper, Common Snipe, Cattle Egret and a brief Ruppell's Weaver.
On the subject of Ruppell's Weaver - after that we headed back to the city to a spot called Fintas Park to look for Ruppell's Weaver. My recollection of this is that it was bloomin' hot - about 42 celsius and we all seemed to trudge around the place rather unenthusiastically but we did eventually see Ruppell's Weaver plus Masked Shrike, Eastern Oliveacous Warbler, Common Redstart and Blackcap.
Ruppell's Weaver - Fintas Park, Kuwait |
Our final stop of the day was back once more at Al-Shaheed Park. We had 'gen' from other birders that had seen Basra Reed Warbler and Cinerous Bunting there earlier in the day. We searched but to no avail however we did have a pair of Little Bitterns, a female Pied Wheatear, Lesser Whitethroat, Tree Pipit, Great Reed Warbler, Pallid Swift and a Nightingale which I rather hoped would be of the golzi race but Abdulrahman said it was most likely from the race africans - which I confess I didn't even existed.
Male Little Bittern |
Female Little Bittern |
Tree Pipit on the carefully manicured lawns of Al-Shaheed Park |
Africans race Nightingale |